
Interested candidates should email Eva-Maria for more information about potential projects and openings. Please include a CV in your email.

Graduate Students
Our group is extremely diverse in terms of research interests and
scientific backgrounds. We are happy to meet and chat with motivated students who want to work at the interface of Physics, Engineering, and Biology. Rotations are always a possibility for Biology and Bioengineering graduate students to learn in more detail about who we are and what scientific questions keep us up at night. Email Eva-Maria to arrange for a meeting, lab tour, rotation, etc.

Undergraduate Students
If you are a sophomore or junior in Physics, Biology, Computer Science or (Bio-)engineering, and want to join the lab for independent work (199), email Eva-Maria to arrange for a short meeting to discuss available projects. You also have the possibility to do a honors thesis in the lab.

Summer Lab Work
Often we have extra spaces available for summer students (undergraduate or high school). Email Eva-Maria for details.

We and Pauli, the lab mascot, are looking forward to meeting you!

     Contact Information: 7218 Urey Hall (office)
2229 Bonner Hall (lab)
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0374
Office Phone: 858-534-0524






